The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the wind is light. Time to jump! But wait! How will you prepare before loading the plane? Do you have enough time? Is 20 minutes enough time to check off everything you need to do to prepare for a jump? Yes! Broken down into 5-minute increments, this guide will help fun jumpers (hint: that’s YOU!) decide whether to manifest for this load or wait for the next.
20 minutes:
- Rig is packed and 1st gear check performed.
- Add money to your account if needed.
- Pro tip: If you know you are going to do more than one jump that day, load your account ahead of time. Manifest can get backed up checking in students which might eat up precious preparation time. The BurbleMe app is a great tool for manifesting.
15 minutes:
- Check winds, jump run, and make sure your jump type is accurate on manifest.
- Winds aloft are posted daily on the side wall of the manifest building.
- Check the winds and jump run. This will allow you to determine if you feel comfortable jumping. It is a good idea to stay on the ground until you know the spot and the landing pattern.
- Pro tip: Give yourself a ‘no jump if winds are…’ rule. The DZ will set limits for Students, as well as licensed skydivers, but those limits are not always appropriate for YOU. For example, some skydivers won’t jump if the spread between sustained winds and gusts is larger than 10mph.
10 minutes:
- Get your group together and dirt dive.
- Plan the Dive. Dive the Plan. Discuss how to exit the aircraft and determine breakoff altitude.
- No group? Find an organizer or plan out your solo skydive.
5 minutes:
- Gear up! Perform a 2nd gear check on yourself and gear check a buddy.
- Use the mockup and dirt dive again.
- Look around. Locate other jumpers that are on your load and organize exit order.
- Practice emergency procedures and discuss what is necessary to achieve adequate vertical and horizontal separation. Other groups may be opening at different altitudes and/or performing horizontal movement.
- Exit order (first to exit to last to exit): Hop-n-pops, Movement Group #1, Belly Flyers (largest to smallest group), Free-flyers (largest to smallest group), Students, Movement Group #2, Tandems, Wing-suiters, High-Pullers.
Now Call:
- All aboard! Time to hop on the bus! Use the ride over to the plane to finalize exit order and separation.
- Only jumpers manifested for the current load should be on the bus.
- 3rd gear check. Seriously, give yourself another gear check!
After Bus Ride:
- Exit the bus and board the aircraft. It is now time to go full send and have fun!
- Get on the plane, buckle up, and don’t forget to smile.
- The Beast takes flight!